Is your company POPI compliant? Follow our checklist determine compliance.

  1. In today’s data-driven world, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations is crucial for businesses. The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) in South Africa mandates strict guidelines for handling personal data. To help you assess your company’s compliance with POPIA, we’ve compiled a comprehensive checklist. If you find any gaps in your current practices, consider reaching out to SDC Consult for expert guidance.
  1. Awareness & Accountability:    
  • Have you designated a responsible person for data protection compliance? 
  • Is there awareness among employees regarding their roles and responsibilities under POPIA? 


  1. Data Processing :  
  • Do you have procedures in place for obtaining and processing personal information lawfully? 
  • Have you implemented measures to ensure the accuracy and security of personal data? 


  1. Consent and Purpose Limitation: 
  • Do you obtain consent from individuals before collecting their personal information? 
  • Is personal data collected only for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes? 


  1. Data Subject Rights: 
  • Are mechanisms in place to facilitate data subject rights, such as access, correction, and deletion of personal information? 
  • Do you have procedures for handling data subject requests within the prescribed timelines? 


  1. Data Security Measures: 
  • Have you implemented appropriate measures to safeguard personal data against unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction? 


  1. Data Transfers and Processing Outside South Africa: 
  • Do you have safeguards in place when transferring personal data outside South Africa? 
  • Are contracts with third parties processing personal data on your behalf compliant with POPIA requirements? 


  1. Data Breach Response Plan: 
  • Have you developed a response plan outlining procedures for detecting, reporting, and responding to data breaches? 
  • Is there a designated person responsible for managing data breach incidents? 


  1. Record-Keeping and Documentation: 
  • Do you maintain records of processing activities as required by POPIA? 
  • Have you documented policies, procedures, and agreements related to personal data processing? 


  1. Regular Compliance Reviews: 
  • Do you conduct periodic assessments and audits to evaluate compliance with POPIA? 
  • Are corrective actions taken to address any identified non-compliance or gaps in data protection measures? 


  1. Employee Training and Awareness: 
  • Have you provided training to employees on their obligations under POPIA and data protection best practices? 
  • Do employees understand the importance of protecting personal information and their role in maintaining compliance? 

If your answer is NO to any of the above, let SDC Consult assist you with expert advice to ensure you become fully compliant by contacting us on  

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